International Conference
on Man-Machine Interactions

in Memoriam Adam Mrózek
September 25-27, 2009
The Beskids - Kocierz Pass, Poland

ICMMI 2009 is dedicated to the memory of Professor Adam Mrózek. The conference is inherently interdisciplinary in as it covers the whole spectrum of theory and practice of man-machine interactions, with special focus on intelligent systems design, decision support, computer systems and strategies to assist disabled people, and computer networks and databases.

All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings by Springer-Verlag.
Wiley-Blackwell Publishers
The BEST PAPER Prize, to be handed over to the Winner during the Conference, is to be sponsored by
Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.
Selected papers to be published in:

The conference has been granted technical
co-sponsorship by IEEE Poland Section.

Honorary Chair

Prof. James F. Peters - University of Manitoba, Canada

Honorary in Memoriam Session Chair

Prof. Stefan Węgrzyn - Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Conference Chair

Prof. Stanislaw Kozielski - Silesian University of Technology, Poland

Keynote Speakers

Prof. Marek Kimmel - Rice University, USA
Prof. James F. Peters - University of Manitoba, Canada
Prof. Andrzej Skowron - Warsaw University, Poland
Prof. Ryszard Tadeusiewicz - AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland   
Silesian University of Technology

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics

Institute of Compter Science - Polish Academy of Science

University of Silesia

Copyright © ICMMI 2019