For Authors' convenience template files are given: llncs2e - contains a separate LaTeX file for the text and EPS file for the figure. As well as sample bib file. We also provide file of the "Authors' Instructions," which may serve as a further sample output: typeinst. Please, use the template, and the instructions included, to prepare final version of your accepted paper. To ensure the quality of the proceedings book it is essential that authors adhere closely to instructions given.
For review purpose please upload your file only in PDF format. The final version of your paper has to be uploaded as a single file in ZIP format, containing all source TEX files, the final DVI, PS or PDF files and all presented pictures in EPS format.
All conference proceedings from years 2009 - 2015 were indexed in Web of Science database. We are still waiting for the evaluation of the proceedings from 2017.
We will submit the ICMMI conference into CORE database as soon as the submission is open.
An accepted paper will be published in the conference proceedings only if the final version is accompanied by the registration, payment information for at least one of the authors, and submitted completed and signed Consent to Publish form.
With submitting a paper to the ICMMI Conference the Author(s) declare that they did not submitted this paper to any other conference or journal, and one of them will attend the conference to present the paper during oral session.
Selected, high-quality papers will be invited to be published in extended version in International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science (IF. 1.694)
Short Paper submission track that can be used to describe work in progress, project ideas or preliminary results. Accepted short papers will be presented as posters on the poster session and they will be published in a Studia Informatica Journal