Keynote Speakers

Professor Antonis Argyros

Observing, tracking and understanding human hands and hand-object interactions

Professor Antonis Argyros
Computer Science Department, University of Crete, Greece
Senior Researcher, Institute of Computer Science - FORTH

Prof. Juan Luis Fernández Martínez

Biomedical robots for the analysis of neurodegenerative and rare diseases

Prof. Juan Luis Fernández Martínez
Department of Mathematics
University of Oviedo. Spain.

Prof. Karmeshu

Generation of Power Laws: Maximum Entropy Framework and Superstatistics

Prof. Karmeshu
Professor School of Computer and Systems Sciences
Adjunct Professor School of Computational and Integrative Sciences
Jawaharlal Nehru, University, New Delhi, India

Prof. Hanna Klaudel

Modelling and analysing mixed reality applications

Prof. Hanna Klaudel
IBISC - Informatique, Biologie Intégrative & Systèmes Complexes
University of Evry, France

Dr Manoj Sharma, PhD

Computable extensions of advance fractional kinetic equation and class of levy-type probabilities

Dr Manoj Sharma, PhD
Department of Applied Mathematics
Rustamji Institute of Technology. Tenkapur. India

Professor Sethu Vijayakumar FRSE

Robots that Learn: Harnessing Advances in Machine Learning for Smart Actuation

Professor Sethu Vijayakumar FRSE
Professor of Robotics and Director, Institute of Perception, Action and Behaviour (IPAB)
Royal Academy of Engineering - Microsoft Research Chair in Robotics
School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, UK

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