TUESDAY 22.10.2013 | |
12:00 | Registration starts |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:30 | Welcome session |
14:45 | Keynote lecture 1 |
Pattern Recognition with Non-Euclidean Similarities
Edwin R. Hancock |
15:45 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | SESSION A: Human – Computer Interactions |
SOM Based Segmentation of Visual Stimuli in Diagnosis and Therapy of Neuropsychological Disorders
Bolesław Jaskuła, Jarosław Szkoła, Krzysztof Pancerz |
Independent Interactive Testing of Interactive Relational Systems
Ahti Lohk, Leo Võhandu |
Hypothesis-driven interactive classification based on AVO
Tomasz Łukaszewski, Jedrzej Potoniec, Szymon Wilk |
Wrist Localization in Color Images for Hand Gesture Recognition
Jakub Nalepa, Tomasz Grzejszczak, Michal Kawulok |
17:00 | Coffee Break |
17:15 | Invited talk |
Stability analysis of regenerative queues: recent results
Evsey Morozow |
18:00 | SESSION B: Speech Processing and Analysis |
Bimodal Speech Recognition for Robot Applications
Alaa Sagheer, Saleh Aly, Samar Anter |
Recognition of Emotion Intensity Basing on Neutral Speech Mode
Dorota Kamińska, Tomasz Sapiński, Adam Pelikant |
Multimodal Speech Synthesis For Polish Language
Krzysztof Szklanny |
19:30 | Barbecue Dinner with Live Folklore Music |
WEDNESDAY 23.10.2013 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote lecture 2 |
Visualization & Data Mining for High Dimensional Datasets
Alfred Inselberg |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:15 | SESSION C: Bio-Data Mining and Discovery |
Comparison of Connectionist and Rough Set Based KD Methods in Search for Selection in Genes Implicated in Human Familial Cancer
Krzysztof A. Cyran, Marek Kimmel |
Improvement of FP-Growth Algorithm for Mining Description-Oriented Rules
Aleksandra Gruca |
Stochastic Fluctuations in the Mathematical–Simulation Approach to the Protocell Model of RNA World
Dariusz Myszor |
Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms on Protein-Protein Interactions
Indrajit Saha, Tomas Klingström, Simon Forsberg, Johan Wikander, Julian Zubek, Marcin Kierczak, Dariusz Plewczyński |
Bit-Parallel Algorithm for the Block Variant of the Merged Longest Common Subsequence Problem
Agnieszka Danek, Sebastian Deorowicz |
Kalign-LCS—A more Accurate and Faster Variant of Kalign2 Algorithm for the Multiple Sequence Alignment Problem
Sebastian Deorowicz, Agnieszka Debudaj-Grabysz, Adam Gudyś |
11:45 | Coffee Break |
12:00 | SESSION D: Data Storage and Transfer |
Applying Task-Aggregating Wrapper to CUDA-Based Method of Query Selectivity Calculation Using Multidimensional Kernel Estimator
Dariusz Rafal Augustyn, Lukasz Warchal |
Spatial Query Optimization Based on Transformation of Constrains
Michał Lupa, Adam Piórkowski |
Designing Frame Relay WAN Networks with Trade-off Between Link Cost and Performance
Mariusz Gola, Adam Czubak |
Review of Mobility Models for Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks
Michal Gorawski, Krzysztof Grochla |
An Energy-Efficient Approach to the Design of Two-Tier Wireless Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks
Jerzy Martyna |
13:30 | Lunch |
14:30 | Conference Trip to Museum of Żywiec Brewery |
19:00 | Dinner |
19:30 | Poster Session |
THURSDAY 24.10.2013 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote Lecture 3 |
Case-Based Reasoning and the Statistical Challenges
Petra Perner |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:15 | SESSION E: Image and Sound Processing |
InFeST-ImageJ Plugin for Rapid Development of Image Segmentation Pipelines
Wojciech Marian Czarnecki |
Visualization of Heterogenic Images of 3D Scene
Przemysław Kowalski, Dariusz Pojda |
Application of the Cellular Automata for Obtaining Pitting Images During Simulation Process of their Growth
Bohdan Rusyn, Roxana Tors’ka, Mykhailo Kobasyar |
Implementation of Registration Algorithms for Multiple Views
Krzysztof Skabek, Piotr Płoszaj |
Metaheuristic Optimization of Multiple Fundamental Frequency Estimation
Krzysztof Rychlicki-Kicior, Bartłomiej Stasiak |
11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:45 | Group Photo |
11:55 | SESSION F: Expert Systems and Decision Support |
Intuitionistic Notice Boards for Expert Systems
Wojciech Cholewa |
Multi Domain Data Integration System for Criminal Intelligence
Jacek Dajda, Roman Debski, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki, Kamil Pietak |
Deduction Based Modelling and Verification of Agent Based Systems for Data Integration
Radosław Klimek, Łukasz Faber, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki |
Preference Models and their Elicitation and Analysis for Context-Aware Applications
Radosław Klimek |
Relevance Prevails: Missing Data Treatment in Intelligent Lighting
Aravind Kota Gopalakrishna, Tanir Ozcelebi, Antonio Liotta, Johan J. Lukkien |
13:30 | Lunch |
14:30 | SESSION G: Fuzzy Systems and Signal Processing |
Neuro-Fuzzy System Based Kernel for Classification with Support Vector Machines
Krzysztof Simiński |
Environmental Modelling Based on Rough-Fuzzy Approach
Filip Mezera, Jiri Krupka |
Design of Linear-Phase FIR Filters with Timeand Frequency Domains Constraints by means of AIbased method
Norbert Henzel, Jacek M. Leski |
Evolutionary Computation for Design of Preprocessing Filters in QRS Detection Algorithm
Krzysztof Walczak |
Identifcation of Slow Wave Propagation in the Multichannel (EGG) Electrogastrographical Signal
Barbara T. Mika, Ewaryst J. Tkacz |
15:45 | Coffee Break |
16:00 | SESSION H: Computational Intelligence and Pattern Recognition |
Video Event Recognition With Fuzzy Semantic Petri Nets
Piotr Szwed |
Some Remarks on Complex Information Systems over Ontological Graphs
Krzysztof Pancerz |
Weighting of Attributes in an Embedded Rough Approach
Urszula Stańczyk |
Exploiting Co-Occurrence of Low Frequent Terms in Patents
Akmal Saeed Khattak, Gerhard Heyer |
Fast and Simple Circular Pattern Matching
Robert Susik, Szymon Grabowski, Sebastian Deorowicz |
Application of Multidimensional Data Visualization in Creation of Pattern Recognition Systems
Dariusz Jamróz |
20:00 | Banquet |
FRIDAY 25.10.2013 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote Lecture 4 |
Robust Adaptive Predictive Modeling and Data Deluge
Bogdan Gabrys |
10:00 | Coffee Break |
10:15 | SESSION I: Robot Control and Navigation and Cognitive Systems |
KUKA Robot Motion Planning Using the 1742 NI Smart Camera
Krzysztof Palenta, Artur Babiarz |
Programming of Industrial Object Simulators in ProficyHMI/SCADA iFIX System
Ryszard Jakuszewski |
Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping with Direct Orientation Change Measurements
Adam Schmidt, Marek Kraft, Michał Fularz, Zuzanna Domagała |
Calculation of the Location Coordinates of an Object Observed by a Camera
Tadeusz Szkodny |
Generic Framework for Simulation of Cognitive Systems: A Case Study of Color Category Boundaries
Dariusz Plewczynski, Michał Łukasik, Konrad Kurdej, Julian Zubek, Franciszek Rakowski, Joanna Raczaszek-Leonardi |
11:30 | Coffee Break |
11:45 | SESSION J: Algorithms and Optimisation |
Agent-Based Approach to Continuous Optimisation
Aleksander Byrski, Marek Kisiel-Dorohinicki |
Clonal Selection Algorithmin Identification of Boundary Condition in the Inverse Stefan Problem
Edyta Hetmaniok, Damian Słota |
Application of General-Purpose Computing on GPU for Acceleration of Basic Linear Algebra Operations and PCA Method
Michal Majchrowicz, Pawel Kapusta, Lukasz Was, Slawomir Wiak |
Multiobjective Differential Evolution: A Comparative Study on Benchmark Problems
Indrajit Saha, Ujjwal Maullik, Michal Łukasik, Dariusz Plewczynski |
12:45 | Farewell session |
13:15 | Lunch |
WEDNESDAY 23.10.2013 19:30 | |
POSTER SESSION (session guidelines) | |
The Method of Query Selectivity Estimation for Selection Conditions Based on Sum of Sub-Independent Attributes
Dariusz Rafał Augustyn |
Remote Video Verification and Video Surveillance on Android-Based Mobile Devices
Bartłomiej Buk, Dariusz Mrozek, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek |
Database Under Pressure -Testing Performance of Database Systems Using Universal Multi-Agent Platform
Dariusz Mrozek, Bożena Małysiak-Mrozek, Jakub Mikołajczyk, Stanisław Kozielski |
Developing and Implementation of the Walking Robot Control System
Sebastian Chwila, Radosław Zawiski, Artur Babiarz |
Fuzzy Approach to Saccades Detection in Optokinetic Nystagmus
Robert Czabanski, Tomasz Pander, Tomasz Przybyla |
Subcubic Algorithms for the Sequence Excluded LCS Problem
Sebastian Deorowicz, Szymon Grabowski |
The Storage Organisation Influence on Database Operations Performance
Katarzyna Harężlak, Aleksandra Werner, Małgorzata Bach, Adam Duszeńko |
Application of the Conditional Fuzzy Clustering with Prototypes Pairs to Classification
Michal Jezewski, Jacek M. Leski |
Comparison of Algorithms for Profile-Based Alignment of Low Resolution MALDI-ToF Spectra
Michal Marczyk, Joanna Polanska, Andrzej Polanski |
An Application of Fuzzy C-Regression Models to Characteristic Point Detection in Biomedical Signals
Alina Momot, Michal Momot, Jacek M. Leski |
Anapplication of Myriad M-Estimator for Robust Weighted Averaging
Tomasz Pander |
Using Graph Database in Spatial Data Generation
Tomasz Płuciennik, Ewa Płuciennik-Psota |
Influence of Low-Level Features Extracted from Rhythmic and Harmonic Sections on Music Genre Classification
Aldona Rosner, Felix Weninger, Björn Schuller, Marcin Michalak, Bozena Kostek |
Transformation of Input Domain for SVM in Regression Task
Krzysztof Simiński |
Managing System Architecture for Multi-Rotor Autonomous Flying Platform-Practical Aspects
Grzegorz Szafrański, Wojciech Janusz, Roman Czyba |
SMAC GPS and Radar Data Integrationto Set the Status of the Objects in Secure Areas
Krzysztof Tokarz, Piotr Czekalski |
Performance Comparison of Several Common Computation Tasks Used in Social Network Analysis Performed on Graph and Relational DB
Lukasz Wycislik, Lukasz Warchal |
Investigation for Genetic Signature of Radiosensitivity-Data Analysis
Joanna Zyla, Paul Finnon, Robert Bulman, Simon Bouffler, Christophe Badie, Joanna Polanska |