
ICMMI 2015 Program ICMMI 2015 Program
ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Program ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Program
ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Book of Abstracts ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Book of Abstracts

Tuesday 06.10.2015
12:00 Registration starts
13:00 Lunch
14:00 Welcome session
14:15 Keynote lecture 1
Observing, tracking and understanding human hands and hand-object interactions

Antonis Argyros
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 SESSION A: Human – Computer Interfaces
Mobile Activity plan applications for behavioral therapy of autistic children

Agnieszka Landowska
Evaluating informational characteristics of oculomotor system and human-computer interfaces

Raimondas Zemblys
Usability tests supporting the design of ergonomic graphical user interface in decision-support systems for criminal analysis

Aleksandra Sadowska
A Model-Driven engineering approach to the evaluation of a remote controller of a movement assistant system

Anna Derezińska
Real-Time detection and filtering of eye blink related artifacts for brain-computer interface applications

Bartosz Binias
16:40 Coffee break
17:00 Keynote lecture 2
Computable extensions of advance fractional kinetic equation and class of levy-type probabilities

Manoj Sharma
19:00 Barbecue dinner with live folklore music
Wednesday 07.10.2015
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Keynote lecture 3
Generation of power laws: maximum entropy framework and superstatistics

10:00 Coffee break
10:15 SESSION B: Pattern recognition
Feature thresholding in generalized approximation spaces

Dariusz Małyszko
PCA based hierarchical clustering with planar segments as prototypes and maximum density linkage

Jacek Łęski
Perturbation mappings in polynomiography

Krzysztof Gdawiec
The class imbalance problem in construction of training dataset for authorship attribution

Urszula Stańczyk
Performance and applications of progressive methods for 3D meshes

Krzysztof Skabek
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 SESSION C: Algorithms and optimization
Grammatical inference in the discovery of generating functions

Wojciech Wieczorek
Bees algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem on CUDA platform

Wojciech Chmiel
Statistical methods of natural language processing on GPU

Dariusz Banasiak
Optimization of decision rules relative to coverage - comparision of greedy and modified dynamic programming approaches

Beata Zielosko
12:45 Lunch
13:15 Conference trip
19:00 Dinner
19:30 Poster session
Thursday 08.10.2015
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Keynote lecture 4
Biomedical robots for the analysis of neurodegenerative and rare diseases

Juan Luis Fernández Martinez
10:00 Coffee break
10:15 SESSION D: Bio data analysis and processing - part 1
Automatic pdf files based information retrieval system with section selection and key terms aggregation rules

Rafał Łańcucki
Integrative construction of gene signatures based on fusion of expression and ontology information

Wojciech Łabaj
Influence of introduction of mitosis-like processes into mathematical-simulation model of protocells in RNA world

Dariusz Myszor
The resection mechanism promotes cell survival after exposure to IR

Monika Kurpas
Nucleotide composition based measurement bias in high throughput gene expression studies

Wojciech Bensz
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 SESSION E: Bio data analysis and processing - part 2
Application of a morphological similarity measure to the analysis of shell morphogenesis in foraminifera

Agnieszka Mensfelt
Parameter estimation in system biology models by using extended Kalman filter

Michał Capiński
eVolutus: a configurable platform designed for ecological and evolutionary experiments tested on Foraminifera

Paweł Topa
Dynamic time warping based on modified alignment costs for evoked potentials averaging

Jacek Łęski
Principal component analysis and dynamic time-warping in subbands for ECG reconstruction

Jacek Łęski
13:00 Confernece Photo
13:15 Lunch
14:15 Keynote lecture 5
Modelling and analysing mixed reality applications

Hanna Klaudel
15:15 Coffee break
15:30 SESSION F: Decision support and expert systems
Algorithm for finding zero factor free rules

Grete Lind
Supporting the forecast of snow avalanches in the canton of Glarus in Eastern Switzerland: A case study

Sibylle Moehle
Data cleansing using clustering

Petr Berka
Multivariate approach to modularization of the rule knowledge bases

Roman Simiński
Geospatial data integration for criminal analysis

Michał Wysokiński
16:45 Coffee break
17:00 SESSION G: Image and motion capture processing
Optical flow methods comparison for video FPS increase

Tomasz Gąciarz
Evaluating of selected systems for colorimetric calibration of LCD monitors

Andrzej Kordecki
Towards the automatic definition of the objective function for model-based 3D hand tracking

Konstantinos Paliouras
Optimizing orthonormal basis bilinear spatiotemporal representation for motion data

Przemysław Skurowski
18:00 Session ends
20:00 Banquet
Friday 09.10.2015
08:00 Breakfast
09:00 Keynote lecture 6
Robots that learn: Harnessing advances in machine learning for smart actuation

Sethu Vijayakumar
10:00 Coffee break
10:15 SESSION H: Computer networks and fuzzy systems
Stability analysis and simulation of state-dependent transmission rate system

Lyubov Potakhina
Characteristic of user generated load in mobile gaming environment

Krzysztof Grochla
Using Kalman filters on GPS tracks

Krzysztof Grochla
Imputation of missing values by inversion of fuzzy neuro-system

Krzysztof Simiński
Approximate reasoning and fuzzy evaluation in code compliance checking

Grażyna Ślusarczyk
11:30 Coffee break
11:45 SESSION I: Robot control, decision support and expert systems
Interpolation method of 3D position errors decreasing in the system of two Cameras

Tadeusz Szkodny
Incorporating static environment elements into the EKF-based visual SLAM

Adam Schmidt
Prediction-based perspective warping of feature template for improved visual SLAM accuracy

Adam Schmidt
AspectAnalyzer - distributed system for bi-clustering analysis

Paweł Foszner
12:45 Closing session
13:00 Lunch

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