ICMMI 2015 Program
ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Program
ICMMI 2015 Poster Session Book of Abstracts
Tuesday 06.10.2015 | |
12:00 | Registration starts |
13:00 | Lunch |
14:00 | Welcome session |
14:15 | Keynote lecture 1 |
Observing, tracking and understanding human hands and hand-object interactions
Antonis Argyros |
15:15 | Coffee break |
15:30 | SESSION A: Human – Computer Interfaces |
Mobile Activity plan applications for behavioral therapy of autistic children
Agnieszka Landowska |
Evaluating informational characteristics of oculomotor system and human-computer interfaces
Raimondas Zemblys |
Usability tests supporting the design of ergonomic graphical user interface in decision-support systems for criminal analysis
Aleksandra Sadowska |
A Model-Driven engineering approach to the evaluation of a remote controller of a movement assistant system
Anna Derezińska |
Real-Time detection and filtering of eye blink related artifacts for brain-computer interface applications
Bartosz Binias |
16:40 | Coffee break |
17:00 | Keynote lecture 2 |
Computable extensions of advance fractional kinetic equation and class of levy-type probabilities
Manoj Sharma |
19:00 | Barbecue dinner with live folklore music |
Wednesday 07.10.2015 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote lecture 3 |
Generation of power laws: maximum entropy framework and superstatistics
Karmeshu |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:15 | SESSION B: Pattern recognition |
Feature thresholding in generalized approximation spaces
Dariusz Małyszko |
PCA based hierarchical clustering with planar segments as prototypes and maximum density linkage
Jacek Łęski |
Perturbation mappings in polynomiography
Krzysztof Gdawiec |
The class imbalance problem in construction of training dataset for authorship attribution
Urszula Stańczyk |
Performance and applications of progressive methods for 3D meshes
Krzysztof Skabek |
11:30 | Coffee break |
11:45 | SESSION C: Algorithms and optimization |
Grammatical inference in the discovery of generating functions
Wojciech Wieczorek |
Bees algorithm for the quadratic assignment problem on CUDA platform
Wojciech Chmiel |
Statistical methods of natural language processing on GPU
Dariusz Banasiak |
Optimization of decision rules relative to coverage - comparision of greedy and modified dynamic programming approaches
Beata Zielosko |
12:45 | Lunch |
13:15 | Conference trip |
19:00 | Dinner |
19:30 | Poster session |
Thursday 08.10.2015 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote lecture 4 |
Biomedical robots for the analysis of neurodegenerative and rare diseases
Juan Luis Fernández Martinez |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:15 | SESSION D: Bio data analysis and processing - part 1 |
Automatic pdf files based information retrieval system with section selection and key terms aggregation rules
Rafał Łańcucki |
Integrative construction of gene signatures based on fusion of expression and ontology information
Wojciech Łabaj |
Influence of introduction of mitosis-like processes into mathematical-simulation model of protocells in RNA world
Dariusz Myszor |
The resection mechanism promotes cell survival after exposure to IR
Monika Kurpas |
Nucleotide composition based measurement bias in high throughput gene expression studies
Wojciech Bensz |
11:30 | Coffee break |
11:45 | SESSION E: Bio data analysis and processing - part 2 |
Application of a morphological similarity measure to the analysis of shell morphogenesis in foraminifera
Agnieszka Mensfelt |
Parameter estimation in system biology models by using extended Kalman filter
Michał Capiński |
eVolutus: a configurable platform designed for ecological and evolutionary experiments tested on Foraminifera
Paweł Topa |
Dynamic time warping based on modified alignment costs for evoked potentials averaging
Jacek Łęski |
Principal component analysis and dynamic time-warping in subbands for ECG reconstruction
Jacek Łęski |
13:00 | Confernece Photo |
13:15 | Lunch |
14:15 | Keynote lecture 5 |
Modelling and analysing mixed reality applications
Hanna Klaudel |
15:15 | Coffee break |
15:30 | SESSION F: Decision support and expert systems |
Algorithm for finding zero factor free rules
Grete Lind |
Supporting the forecast of snow avalanches in the canton of Glarus in Eastern Switzerland: A case study
Sibylle Moehle |
Data cleansing using clustering
Petr Berka |
Multivariate approach to modularization of the rule knowledge bases
Roman Simiński |
Geospatial data integration for criminal analysis
Michał Wysokiński |
16:45 | Coffee break |
17:00 | SESSION G: Image and motion capture processing |
Optical flow methods comparison for video FPS increase
Tomasz Gąciarz |
Evaluating of selected systems for colorimetric calibration of LCD monitors
Andrzej Kordecki |
Towards the automatic definition of the objective function for model-based 3D hand tracking
Konstantinos Paliouras |
Optimizing orthonormal basis bilinear spatiotemporal representation for motion data
Przemysław Skurowski |
18:00 | Session ends |
20:00 | Banquet |
Friday 09.10.2015 | |
08:00 | Breakfast |
09:00 | Keynote lecture 6 |
Robots that learn: Harnessing advances in machine learning for smart actuation
Sethu Vijayakumar |
10:00 | Coffee break |
10:15 | SESSION H: Computer networks and fuzzy systems |
Stability analysis and simulation of state-dependent transmission rate system
Lyubov Potakhina |
Characteristic of user generated load in mobile gaming environment
Krzysztof Grochla |
Using Kalman filters on GPS tracks
Krzysztof Grochla |
Imputation of missing values by inversion of fuzzy neuro-system
Krzysztof Simiński |
Approximate reasoning and fuzzy evaluation in code compliance checking
Grażyna Ślusarczyk |
11:30 | Coffee break |
11:45 | SESSION I: Robot control, decision support and expert systems |
Interpolation method of 3D position errors decreasing in the system of two Cameras
Tadeusz Szkodny |
Incorporating static environment elements into the EKF-based visual SLAM
Adam Schmidt |
Prediction-based perspective warping of feature template for improved visual SLAM accuracy
Adam Schmidt |
AspectAnalyzer - distributed system for bi-clustering analysis
Paweł Foszner |
12:45 | Closing session |
13:00 | Lunch |